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PLEASE NOTE: As of January 1st, 2016, this listing service will no longer be active. We will NOT be offering a prorated discount for those who choose to list with us for the remainder of the calendar year.

We will continue to promote the listing service as a great resource for students until December 31st, 2015; we will then refer students to The Daily Gamecock's new listing service. For information on listing your property on The Daily Gamecock's new listing service, please email Sarah Scarborough at sarahs@mailbox.sc.edu or calling 803 - 777 - 5064. You will be able to list your property with The Daily Gamecock beginning on January 1st, 2016.

Want to Add a Listing

If you are an individual who is interested in listing your property for rental, please enter the required fields below and click Save. If you already have an account on this site to manage your properties, sign in here.

* First
* Username

Must contain at least one letter and one number (6-20 characters)

* Address 1

Note: This is not the address for your property listing.
Address 2
Zip Code
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